Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Casual Conversations

Brian at Coverville (http://coverville.com/) has invited contributions for virtual tribute album to celebrate the 30th anniversary of the release of "Breakfast in America" by Supertramp.

This is no easy task as the hits are so well known that they are hard to approach and the album tracks are either all over the place or seriously pretentious and in some cases very lame. I don't know what I'll submit but I'll have a go at a few in the hope one is at least presentable.

I'm starting with a song that is hard to like. It is wimpy and whingy and Supertramp's version manages to sound like it was recorded in MIDI before MIDI was invented.

Such pomposity begs for a cuzzoo solo and ukelele backing and I couldn't resist. Click on the title above to hear my version which is so much more fun but much less appropriate than Supertramp's.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I thought about this song for my own experiments on Coverville Idol... and to be honest my idea was kind of similar to how you did it.

Ended up doing a solo version of Oh Darling, plus two of the bands I play in did Long Way Home (as blues rock) and Child of Vision (as funk brass band).

My recently-begun covers blog is at http://chickenduck.amrichard.com - check it out, I'll post a link to yours as well.