Tuesday, June 3, 2008

California Dreaming

Click on the title to hear my cover of California Dreaming.

Lets's see.

The Beach Boys covered this. Jose Feliciano covered this. Even Queen Latifa covered the damn thing so why not me?

My version has lots of 12 string electric and some ropey harmony singing. The original only has the 12 string.


Anonymous said...

I'm starting to feel slightly inadequate...all these apparently big hits I have never heard about! :-)

I quite like your version...but I'm just a tiny bit reminded of Stan Freberg's version of Heartbreak Hotel...a bit too much echo!

Geoff said...

Most of these are from the sixties - I don't think the sixties played a role in your parent's life - far too sensible and down to earth. (not a bad thing at all)

It is probably better that you know Stan Freberg over Papa John Phillips but the Mamas and the Papas were brilliant harmonisers. Hopeless, drug addicted and of dubious morals but nonetheless brilliant.

I agree about the too much echo echo echo...turn it off off off... but those of us with ravaged voices use whatever we can to cover it up. (short of note correction which is available on my recorder but to which I refuse to stoop)

Tell your father that I have the episode of the Monkees where Stan Freberg plays an evil toy manufacturer. He may need to see it.